How to Frontside 50-50 a Rail
For many of us, the frontside 50-50 is the first grind trick we learn as skateboarders. With that being said, most skateboarders learn this trick on a curb or ledge. When you bring the 50-50 to a rail, it becomes an entirely different beast. Well, not really, but if you’ve never 50-50’d a rail before, […]
How to Frontside Smith Grind
Want to learn how to frontside smith grind the easiest way? How to Frontside Smith Grind Ride with some speed and your feet in a basic ollie position Approach the ledge frontside, either parallel or on a slight angle Ollie toward the ledge, turning frontside slightly so that only your back truck hits the ledge, […]
How to Noseslide
Recently, Gabe Cruz took it upon himself to put in the time and effort to learn how to backside noseslide once and for all. While some skaters learn this trick early on in their skateboarding careers, some skaters don’t get around to learning ledge tricks until the opportunity arises. In the video below, you’ll see […]
How to Backside Boardslide
The backside boardslide is often times the first trick a skateboarder will learn on a rail. If you’ve never done one before, the fear of hopping onto that rail for the first time can be a little overwhelming. Today we’re going to show you the easiest way to learn the backside boardslide, and you’ll also […]
The Introduction of Skateboarding in Mongu, Zambia
Our mission here at Braille Skateboarding is to spread skateboarding all over the world; getting new people excited about skateboarding, teaching them how to skateboard, and then watching them learn new tricks and change their lives for the better. We love skateboarding and everyone who skates, which is why we’re so excited to share this […]