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How to Pop Shove It

Pop Shove It Tutorial The secret of the pop Today we are going to be covering the Shove It with no pop and the Shove It with pop. Every trick has a secret and the secret to learning this trick is the Shove It with no pop. So the foot position for the Shove It, […]

    How to Frontside 180

    The Frontside 180 Tutorial Frontside 180s are one of the most basic tricks and one of the first tricks you can learn.   One thing to think about with this trick is you are going to be landing switch (riding with a different foot forward) so it is helpful to get comfortable riding around switch...

      Persistence in Skateboarding

      Persistence in Skateboarding The other day I was at the skatepark and decided, “Before I leave I am going to do a Kickflip Manual to Tre Flip out.”. After 20 times of trying to land this trick I thought to myself, “Why haven’t I landed it yet?”. I had landed this trick before, matter of […]

        The 5 Easiest Skate Tricks

        Introduction to Skateboarding Tricks What are the easiest skate tricks? So once you are comfortable riding your board, it’s time to learn some tricks! Learning tricks can be pretty tricky. So if you are not comfortable with trying to learn to ollie yet, we have come up with a few others even easier than an […]

          How to Ride a Skateboard

          Stepping on a skateboard for the first time can be an intimidating experience. Braille Skateboarding is here to put your fears to rest. Before we get into the specifics, we recommend you check out the video below. When you’re finished watching the video you should read the post that follows. This will really help you […]